Film - tell your story

Do you want to tell your story through moving pictures? Regardless of whether it’s your company presentation, a campaign or your new product, we produce everything from idea to finished product.

See our examples below.

Destination Marketing Film

Destination marketing films from Norrland usually look like this: drone shots over beautiful landscapes, lakes, urban areas, and church spires. But how many drone shots of snow-covered treetops can one watch before wanting to see something different? The goal was to create something that stands out.

Information movie

When Luleå University of Technology approached us with the brief for an AI film, we knew that it required some unconventional thinking. LTU needed to see something they had never seen, and we needed to do something that we had never done. But how do you even make a film about AI that will spark the interest of both students and financiers, when we don’t even have access to the AI? We needed to make a story that both explains and inspires while also keeping the viewer’s interest alive for an extended period of time. 

Advertising movie

In Coop Norrbotten’s membership campaign, we wanted to describe more clearly what a membership at Coop actually means. For the younger generation, we also wanted to clarify the meaning of a cooperative. We created #medägare which is a play on words between “member” and “owner”. The campaign aims to raise the positive aspects of the membership and how it differs from other grocery stores by becoming a co-owner.

Explainer Film

With an explainer film, you make it easy for the viewer to understand somewhat more complex projects. Like when Batterflai wanted to make advanced research more accessible and simultaneously highlight the results and their potential to contribute to better and cleaner battery minerals for future generations.

Introduction movie

Intro to Sweden’s best women’s basketball team.

Social media movies

Coop Norrbotten promotes leadership in food, health and sustainability (both ecological and social), and they continue to set the agenda for positive development. In this campaign, we meet people who have settled in the countryside but still have the opportunity to shop at Coop – far removed from the hectic city life. We also meet the local farmer who delivers produce to Coop. He talks about life on the farm and the significance of a thriving countryside and the importance of our county becoming more self-sufficient.

Social media movies

Coop is the most local option among grocery stores in Norrbotten. If you could say that a store is locally produced, that is exactly what Coop Norrbotten is. It’s so local that it’ll make you happy.

More film cases

Film is just one of our services.

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