
Claes Isaksson
Connected Events

Claes is head of Connected Events at Yours and manages our customers’ digital arrangements. Considering he started streaming in the 90s before most people even knew what it was, in addition to many years in radio and television production, it is no wonder that he is now an expert at getting audio and video to stream seamless.

In his spare time, he plays drums in two hard rock bands and spends time in his summer house in Lindefallet as soon as he gets the chance.

Conny Veräjä
Art director

Conny is our most punk-rock art director with a background as both a painter and tattooist. After delivering big ideas and sharp concepts, he designs web sketches that make us go 🥵😮‍💨

In his spare time, he plays around with oil on canvas, grows chilies on every surface in the apartment, and rides his bike naked in the Tornedalian forest.

Elin Boström
Art Director / Event Planner

A responsible creative who always has an expert solution in the making. In addition to fantastic design, Elin is known for structure and organization is all her projects.

An illustrator with an insatiable passion for food which makes her our very own food stylist.

Emelie Fabricius
Production Manager / Event Planner
+46 70-390 27 00

Emelie is a driven production manager and organizer with a kind of sixth sense attention to detail that gets both large and small projects of the ground. She has a background in consulting with a focus on accounting and finance.

She loves interior design and happily spends the winter/spring weekends in the mountains.

Erika Almqvist

After several years at agencies in southern Sweden, Erika started working at Yours in 2022. With an eye for trends, a brain for strategies and a sense of tonality, Erika is a sharp copywriter who creates fantastic reading experiences. She takes on everything from campaigns, concepts and editorial texts to content for social media and web.

Erika loves fresh starts, dreams of living in a cottage and likes to devour slow SVT documentaries.

Gabriella Maria Takino Sundström (Parental leave)
Graphic Designer / Illustrator

Gabriella is the designer from Brazil that delivers creative solutions at high speed. With a keen eye for detail, the end result is always of the highest quality.

Snowboarder and martial artist with a background as a professional triathlete.

Hanna Stridfeldt
Creative Director / Partner

With extensive experience from Forsman & Bodenfors and an eye for detail Hanna is a responsible Creative Director with a holistic perspective and a magician when is comes to building brands.

Originally from the south she thrives when she can works on various projects simultaneously, and loves to visits the best island in the world – Öland.

Jakob Lind
Creative Director & Client Manager, Stockholm Office

Jakob has a background as a freelance journalist with assignments all over the world. Today he is the creative director for Yours in Stockholm. With engaging ideas, he’s always searching for new perspectives and creative solutions.

Still traveling as soon as the opportunity arises and loves surfing and scuba diving. He also collects books and art.

Janine Gracia
Project Manager / Event Planner
+46 73-057 87 43

Janine is Your’s project manager who, in 2023, completed a masters degree in economics with a focus on marketing. She thrives on structure, juggling several projects and likes creativity and strategy.

Janine is a yes-sayer and incurable optimist who loves travel, her cats and has a newfound love for golf.

Mattis Larsson
Film Producer

Mattis has 30+ years of experience in film production. That is, if you count the horror films he recorded on his father’s digital cameraas a child. His professional career started at Yours in 2023. Here he is an important part of the film team as a passionate film producer and editor with an eye for detail.

In addition to his interest in film, this son of Boden has a secret unrealized dream of becoming a stand-up artist and often tests his material on us colleagues.

Niklas Räävi
Web Developer
 / SEO

After finishing his degree in web development, Niklas became a web developer at Yours in 2016. He’s a wizard when it comes to front end development and solver of problems both big and small.

A self-proclaimed tech geek who enjoys films and good food and also volunteers at the social services in Luleå.

Oskar Norberg
Project Manager / Web Developer / Partner
+46 70-655 00 00

In addition to being a partner at Yours, Oskar works as a project manager, web developer and is the head of the agency’s IT department.

Oskar has a background as a professional snowboarder and today he is the head coach for the Swedish national climbing team.

Per Westerlund
Connected Events

Per is the second half of Connected Events, our agency-in-the-agency for digital events. After a long career in motion picture mixing, Per is a sound-genius and can also title himself digital strategist.

He lives in Luleås Danderyd a.k.a. Bergnäset where he enjoys whipping out the guitar for family and friends.

Richard Wikström
Visual Art / Film producer

With an expertise that is unique in Sweden, Richard delivers 3D animations and advanced retouch. He has previously worked with some of the world’s largest car brands and at Yours he contributes with innovative ideas that make a difference and create success for our customers.

When he’s not at work, he pumps iron or fixes things around his summerhouse (and look at beautiful horses of course).

Tobias Öström
CEO / Strategist / Project Manager / Partner

Tobias is the media strategist with expertise within in target group analysis, media strategies, planning and consulting. A combination that results in communication that makes a real difference.

Family father who likes to spend time in the forest, on the climbing wall and in the powder snow.

Vanessa Cicero
Senior Copywriter

Vanessa is a purposeful creator and copywriter who delivers brilliant ideas and texts to screenplays, magazines and complete campaign concepts. She also has the agency’s best speaker voice.

Temperamental half-Sicilian with a predilection for good wines.

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