Affinita Partner Launches New Customer Experience Hub

As part of the global independent agency network Affinita, we’re able to stay on top of global trends impacting our marketing world. Wherever you are in the world right now, it’s pretty tough to miss the impact Customer Experience (CX) is having on brand strategy.

As the UK’s first and only B2B customer experience agency, our Affinita partner – The Crocodile – have built up a pretty comprehensive view on all things CX.

Their new customer experience content hub is called #IamCX. It’s filled with personalised news and insights to feed your thinking and sharpen your strategy – saving you time and effort.

Stay on top of a constantly evolving business strategy that goes beyond purchase, and create loyal, long term customers capable of driving growth.

Features of #IamCX:

  • Original pieces on hot CX topics plus emerging trends
  • Our top picks of online CX articles (mined for the best bits)
  • Big industry reports to give you that wide-angle view of the customer experience landscape

So, there you have it: a new place to access customer experience content so you can say #IamCX. Start today and find out what a prison in Norway has to do with B2B CX, why CMOs are the ultimate customer experience champions, and get 3 quick wins to kick off your CX initiative today.